trase bes lak nk ckp sal bab2 jdoh nie..heheh...evn aku xde la expert sgt apeth lg ak sndrik blom brkawen n blm trase utk topic ni memg hngat la bile usia suda mncecah 20-an....=)
smlm, ak n tikah "dating" ber2 g megamall smate2 utk lunch n membazirkn duit beli brg2 kcntikan kami...hahaha...tibe2, tyme ngh jln tuh trborak lak sal jdoh n she told me...
" yana, tyme usrah arituh kak maryam ckp jdoh kite adelah diri kite"
canekah itu? diri kite ni jdoh kite? huuu....mule2 aku konpius gk n now...da phm...heheh..penah x dgr "wanita yg baik adlh utk laki yg baik"? itulh jwpn tuk statement tikah tuh...huuu...kalau kite mgharapkn jdoh kite itu sowg yg beriman n bragme...y dont kite crmin diri kite dlu n jdge ourself first lyakkah kite nk dpt sm1 yg mcm tuh...huh!!! lyakkah akue? idea nk jwb=(
argh...kalau pk2 balik mcm tkot lak...tkot nk hdapi mase dpn yg blom tentu pasti jnj kbhagiaan tuk bialar...mlas nk pk n srabutkan pale...act,kdg2 aku pelik nape org suke tnye soaln ciri2 laki/wanita idamn n watz so eva la yg brkaitn ngn bnd th...n x trkecuali la aku pn ske nk taw..huhu....evry1 hve their own ans yg evry1 hve their own choice rite?=) sme goes to me ...huuu...4 me, tolak tepi same adult many thngs arounds me yg ajr da true meaning of life...sume tuh x jnj ape2 4 us...i admit it!!!! pglaman arounds is da bes teacher 4 me....kdg2 rase laki itu sgt x adiL dkt kaum hawa but i shouldnt put da blame on them 100% cz i also have father n (T_T)
jd kwn2...jomlar kite same2 muhsbah diri to be sm1 btter from day-day ... bkn hny tuk mndptkn psagan yg baek, tp juge tk dptkn kredaanNYA...=) plsh stop kutuk2 n aibkn others kat org laen...aku sgt mrayu kpd insan ini...stop same keje stupid dam2 itu!!!! cermin ur diri 1st my fren...perfect sgtkah kamu tuk mghina org len? tpok dada tny long nobody kco same hidup kmo, so dont kco US!! huuh... thnk deeply...sggopkah kmu mndpt psagan yg kaki bwk mulut mcm kmu gk 1 day? nope rite? so...pls do chnge...respct others n people will do da same thngs...=)

p/s: trying to be sm1 ygg tolak tepi all kaum ADAM thngs..nkmati life wif all my besties n fmly 1st as long mase msh ade tuk mreka=)...da day will come dgn sndriknyer...dont want to pk2 plsh....
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