~oh...dis year punye raya ofcos little bit sad cz da members of my family x cukup kuota...=( pity my adik yg kene celbrate his raya dekat perantauan (nebraska uni,lincoln) but nvmind adik, u r alwys in our mind n heart..."nanti angah upload gmbar raye byk2 yer ;) we have many upcoming raya to celbrate it 1 whole fmily together mcm dolu2 " (kalo ade background lgu raye sure touching gler :P ) ...~
~like what da post "BONUS RAYA" as stated above, i just want to share dat hadiah yg i got for this raye...hoyeah2....hehehhe...hepy bngat seh...I guess permpuan exactly x leh lari d word shophaholic... :P
from a dad to his daughter...dgan her daugther reason "nk beg baru sbb nk kutip duit raye"..hahha
another new handbag wif anther reason "ayah, nk handbg yg seswai gune tuk wedding, baju kurung n bla222..." =)
carlo rino's shoes..
my hometown..we r gotong royong tuk masak rendang...
1st tyme kot masak rendang kawah ;P
A ring wif rantai yg sm1 bagi semalam...credit to dia cz sggop datang "jauh2"
only to drop dis dekat rumah aku even im not there ;p THNX yea..
:: last but not least....
P/S: anyone yg nk handbag jus tell me ok n i will consider cz da x cukup tmpt nk letak all my bags...n siyesly IM SERIOUS...Huhuhuhu...
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