salam =)
hoyeah, semalam 7hb aku n along balik semate2 nak buat suprise birthday my dad. konon2 mak tipu cakap kat ayah kitorg busy x boleh nak balik celeb birthday ayh. ececeh. mesti ayah dah taceng habes. so, kitorg ramai2 gather ters dekat TUPAI2 restaurant and part paling best bile whole kedai taking part buat suprise bersound trackkan lagu "happy birthday". owh, tp malam ni dah kene balik UIA T_T
papepon, happy birthday ayah . semoga pjg umor, murah rezeki and thanks 4 being such a sweet dad to us. semoga allah merahmati ayah dunia akhirat. ameen :)
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